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Web Development

I am currently working in php/mysql with a lot of work in Drupal while learning Ruby/Rails and some (limited) Python/Django. Focus on LeanUX, iterative, agile development, fluid/responsive design, and a lot of other trendy buzzwords.

Reach me at GitHub or @studiozut, or just run me down at this year's DrupalCon (Los Angeles 2015).

Recent projects: Hide-Sticky-Promote module (on the Drupal.org sandbox here), a configuration module for the GW Libraries' Catalog and All-Search called Catalog Pointer, and a Drupal 'Open Hours' module (in progress). There's also a bootswatch for Twitter Bootstrap for our many projects that need a flexible branded webpresence.

Also GW Libraries, a 'bootswatch' for GW Libraries, and GW Exhibits. The StudioZut site itself just got a revamp with Twitter Bootstrap from its former Columnal front-end framework (see humans.txt for more).

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